Το παρακάτω γράμμα το δημοσιεύω όπως μου ήρθε στο email από έναν παλιό Τούρκο φίλο. Μετά από λίγο μου ζήτησε να το μεταφράσω και να το μοιραστώ γιατί θα αυτό "θα έκανε χαρούμενο" τον φίλο μου.
Δεν προλαβαίνω να το μεταφράσω. Το παραθέτω ατόφιο. Δεν διόρθωσα καμία λέξη. Δεν θέλω να βγάλω συμπεράσματα ή να τοποθετηθώ.
Είναι η μαρτυρία ενός πολίτη μίας χώρας που είναι δίπλα μας και που ζει την τελευταία εβδομάδα ιστορικά γεγονότα που ίσως δεν μπορούν να αποτυπωθούν με ακρίβεια μόνο μέσα από τις εικόνες που λαμβάνουμε από τα social media και τα ΜΜΕ.
Κάτι τόσο έντονο και τόσο δυνατό ...
"... a great feeling like falling in love."
Δεν προλαβαίνω να το μεταφράσω. Το παραθέτω ατόφιο. Δεν διόρθωσα καμία λέξη. Δεν θέλω να βγάλω συμπεράσματα ή να τοποθετηθώ.
Είναι η μαρτυρία ενός πολίτη μίας χώρας που είναι δίπλα μας και που ζει την τελευταία εβδομάδα ιστορικά γεγονότα που ίσως δεν μπορούν να αποτυπωθούν με ακρίβεια μόνο μέσα από τις εικόνες που λαμβάνουμε από τα social media και τα ΜΜΕ.
Κάτι τόσο έντονο και τόσο δυνατό ...
"... a great feeling like falling in love."
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Αττάλεια via http://blo.gr/a3r |
"... I just tried to tell you how they made us mad...
Last days were a marvellous experience in my life like many people here. I'm lucky and proud of my people here.The youngs, olds. Many diffrent people gathered together on the meetings. The different football teams fanatics, from different and opposite (!) politic parties, prostitutes, gays, villagers by traditional clothes, artists, students get together for one aim, to save their freedom. They walk through gases many times...One people fell and 10 people hold him together..Many shops, hotels, schools, universities opened their doors and many people opened the doors of their homes. One say there were 50 people at his home (during rest)!Old people made sandwiches at home and sent them to streets. Many doctors and medical faculty students, lawyers were with them. Police threw gase bombs, orange bombs inside the schools whith patients and volunteer doctors.They also protest the TV channels newspapers who was sold (except 2 very small local tv channel)! People gethered in front of their buildings. It's written on the banners "how much you cost, I will pay you!".This is a real conversation between a police group and the opposite people: Police shouts "You have 2 minutes to go back and empty this area!" The opposite voice from the gas victim to police "You have 20 seconds to go back and emty this area!!!"On the camera a young people call police call center and says "Where are waiting since half an hour, we missed gases, when will you send the next gase bomb?" And the police says"I'm sending just wait..."I wrote these bacause I wanted you to understand how they were feeling, they were not afraid but happy and proud during all events.Of course we feel sad for injured people, we know many people are still under torture but despite everything this is a great feeling like falling in love. I slept a few hours every night since days but I'm not tired. We are on the squares and roads, we are singing songs all together. You should hear the heers (ovations?) and banners.. Very funny. We shout "Cheer Tayyip cheer!" (you know he was trying to forbit alcohol)All the squares in Antalya are full, people are outside after 20:00. We didn't have any battle on the squares (becaus Antalya is a touristic city, police didin't reply), but small groups in same areas had clash with the police. In Istanbul and especially in Ankara situation is still serious.I wish you should follow the reactions by internet. People are happy and make fun with Erdoğan and TV Channels... They are in shame..There are two points making me happy:First this rebellion was not a result of provacation (Although Tayyip try to put the blame on opposite political party) It started with pure feelings of different people spontaneously.The second I was hopeless and dissappointed about the people here, especially the young people. I was thinking theye so apolitic and they were desensitized. I was thinking people got used to everything. So many bad things happened uptill now: discreet , right minded jounalists, artists, soldiers were in prison, they exclude the Ataturk's name from books, they forbit alcohol in some areas, so many things like this... Nobody did anything because they were frightened.Now I'm proud and hopeful. Because people came together to save their freedom to say "no" to a dictator. This was a scream of "It's enough Tayyip!"I don't except miracles but I know people will never be like they were a week ago, no one can stop them now...Your friend,A.
1 σχόλιο:
Impressive!!!An amazing feelling of power. An amazing feelling of change...if it's true or not. If it will last or not...it will show! Just like in love...When you feel it, you are the king of the world and time will prove its real dimention!
It's a proud start! Congratulatios, keep alive the fire of..."love"!!! Keep fighting friend!
Don't give up in a "boring marriage"...like others did...
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